Tuesday Tidings - 196 - Snoblins 11/21/2023 02:04 PM CST
Happy Tuesday!

This week, we took a peek at snow goblins on Aesry and gave them the modernization treatment. There were three primary tweaks:

* The rare, wandering snowbeasts were removed, though they can still be found nearby with the frostweavers.
* The goblins will spawn more frequently, and the tiers were adjusted slightly. Before, they were level 25, level 26-27, or level 30 variants. Now they're 24-26, 27-29, and 30-34.
* The area's map was adjusted to be a little less linear. We accomplished this by adding more connections between the rooms, which meant adjusting a few of them (an old NE/SW connection may now be an E/W because we needed that NE for a new spot!).

Besides the level tweaks mentioned above, nothing changed with the goblin's mechanics or loot. We just gave their home a safer, swarmier makeover!

Thanks to Ulerith for the quick eyes on the area! If you notice any problems, please let us know!
