I wonder why 05/04/2003 01:22 PM CDT
we havent had a major event since the war with Sorrow.. I loved that more than anything. It was what got me hooked.
Re: I wonder why 05/04/2003 01:25 PM CDT
There hasn't been a full scale, long term war since Sorrow, but there have certainly been major events.

Re: I wonder why 05/04/2003 01:27 PM CDT
yeah, ive been a part of some of the side plots but i miss the big one.
Re: I wonder why 05/04/2003 02:37 PM CDT
::glances at Archrost and company:: I wouldn't worry about a lack of major events if I were you- we've got some big ones coming. So hold onto your hats! Wheeeeeeeeee!


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
Re: I wonder why 05/04/2003 06:27 PM CDT
>>we havent had a major event since the war with Sorrow..<<

Having just last week died horribly when a cabal of renegade lunar mages violently secured Taisgath for themselves so their leader could do dread ritual on the Obelisk that briefly severed our link to the Probability Plane, I think it's safe to say that some fairly major events have been happening.

Larcus' Player

"It's a metaphor of human bloody existence, a dragon. And if that wasn't bad enough, it's also a bloody great hot flying thing." -- Terry Pratchett
Re: I wonder why 05/06/2003 02:40 PM CDT
I agree we need a major war again,
I say the gorbesh need to try to take over again. Cmon Gorbesh!
thousands and thousands of em for 6 months minimum
Re: I wonder why 05/06/2003 11:01 PM CDT
I agree... the Sorrow war was ok but I dont think anything compares to the Gorbesh war... Havok in the cities constantly, buildings destroyed, routes blocked off... good stuff. If they can produce that kind of thrill again then Ill be in heaven. It is looking like something is brewing though so all those who are wanting something big to happen you best be on guard... your wishes dont seem to be too far behind.