think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:40 PM CDT

completely frozen or crashed outta game.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:40 PM CDT
The auction is tonight.

This is why the GMs disabled atmo-pets for the day. It was basically expected.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:41 PM CDT
Same here. The game collapsed under the weight of atmo at the token auction hall...
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:42 PM CDT

guess it required an entire day to cool down the atmos lol
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:51 PM CDT
Another reason to dislike most atmo items.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:58 PM CDT
UGH! I just bought grooba coins (15 minutes ago now) to go to the auction and enter the raffle. I can't even get out of my house! Hope they delay it a while so we can get situated.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:59 PM CDT
I suspect that at this point this has less to do with atmo items and more to do with 200 F2P alt accounts trying to jam into the same room.

>befriend clear all
You are now friendless.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 07:59 PM CDT
I think we're down again. I'm frozen in game.


Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:03 PM CDT
Maybe these auctions shouldn't require everyone to be in a specific room together?
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:04 PM CDT
Just FYI guys, rather than post 'crash' or 'down again' etc., the twitter is updated on these statuses.

I loathe twitter, but I've got it open in another tab.

>UGH! I just bought grooba coins (15 minutes ago now) to go to the auction and enter the raffle. I can't even get out of my house! Hope they delay it a while so we can get situated.

Whatever they do will accommodate these problems, yes. Whether that is to push the auction off for a while during patching, or just push it off for an hour or two.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:05 PM CDT
Considering the GMs have asked players to turn off/remove atmos and the tweet "If you have atmo items, please remove them or turn them off to assist with any lag issues"

I'm going to assume it's a combination of both, but of course have no idea on actual % of fault for this event.

I just don't like where atmos are currently, especially as they've gotten more extravagant.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:05 PM CDT
Oh lovely, so I cannot even connect to the game I am hoping the auction is postponed?

[18:03] Connected to
Please wait for connection to game server.The game is up but access to it has been restricted for internal testing.

[18:04] Attempting to reconnect.
[18:04] Connection closed.
Reconnect aborted! (No user input since last connect.)
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:07 PM CDT
>Just FYI guys, rather than post 'crash' or 'down again' etc., the twitter is updated on these statuses.

The most recent one was marked for plat. I don't know if it was a mistake or just that the crash is so big that it took down multiple instances
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:11 PM CDT
>The most recent one was marked for plat. I don't know if it was a mistake or just that the crash is so big that it took down multiple instances

It's the DRprime account hashtagging DR plat to let that instance know what's going on.

I'm assuming this is because Simu only runs a single server and virtual machines the different instances, so when Prime crashes due to resource allocation (i.e. the atmo items consume all the processor power) it kills the other instances too.

Course then TF should have been hashtagged too, but who cares about those guys.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:16 PM CDT
>Just FYI guys, rather than post 'crash' or 'down again' etc., the twitter is updated on these statuses.

Yes, you can follow us on twitter or just open the DragonRealms twitter here in a new tab to keep an eye on updates

We're not always able to use the #drprime hashtag while prime is down because of how things are set up, so just disregard that part. The updates are still accurate even if the hashtag is not. :)

DragonRealms Board Monitor

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at, Senior Board Monitor Helje at, or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:24 PM CDT
Plat never crashed. Likely hashtagged wrong. Hope they fix you guys quick
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 08:57 PM CDT
>>Maybe these auctions shouldn't require everyone to be in a specific room together?

IIRC, there are multiple rooms that function as auction rooms for these kinds of auctions.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 09:24 PM CDT

Just as the pitchfork was being called, I lost connection again :P

is everyone else still logged in?
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 11:38 PM CDT
Haha, could tell almost the second they disabled whatever anti-crash measures they put in place for the auction. Went from 0 lag at the auction to massive lag to crash.
Re: think i crashed 05/29/2016 11:40 PM CDT
Two streams vanished from the XML feed in the auction area: atmospheric window, and room window.

I dunno, it seems like something about these is causing a lot of strain. :\

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs