Sand Spiders 10/23/2006 09:16 PM CDT
Okay under 100 copper for a perfectly arranged mandible? That is absurd.
The creatures are roughly under blood wolf range, but i can make more money off goblin skins.

Can someone look into this? It just doesnt seem right.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/23/2006 09:22 PM CDT
What are furrier's going to do with a mandible? Just because something's higher on the combat chain doesn't mean that the skinable shouldn't be worth more. (IMO)

Re: Sand Spiders 10/23/2006 10:54 PM CDT
I dont know, lets just say that is used in some crazy dish thats well liked by said royal group of whatever or what. Hey theres an idea, lets add local flora and fauna to the tavern menus to answer for the price of thier skinnables.

The same thing can be said for wolf spider eyes that sell for over 100 copper un-arranged. Pard claws, gryphon feathers, rams horns, whatever.

Really its a matter of risk vs. reward. There should always be a increased reward for an increased risk.(IMO)

Sand Spiders 10/24/2006 09:49 AM CDT
>skin spi
Using your bastard sword to skin will make your task significantly more difficult.

Moving with the skill and grace that only a ranger can possess, you effortlessly retrieve a perfect mandible from the adroitly arranged sand spider. You are suffused with pride, knowing that no other guild will ever equal what you have just accomplished.
>search spi
You search the sand spider.
It carried nothing of interest.
>count my mand
There's one hundred parts left of the sand spider mandible.
>count mand
There's one hundred parts left of the sand spider mandible.
>ask ush to app mand

You ask Tanner Ushikhh to appraise a sand spider mandible.
Tanner Ushikhh closely examines the mandible with his one eye with expert care, then murmurs roughly, "Well, it ain't a prizewinner, but I think I can spare ye 51 Lirums for it."
>sell mand

You ask Tanner Ushikhh to buy a sand spider mandible.
Tanner Ushikhh closely examines the mandible with his one eye with expert care, then hands you 51 Lirums.

OK, pure BS.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/24/2006 12:49 PM CDT
Its actually a part of the bounty system, the local powers that be don't necessarily want the spiders depopulated as they keep the rats in check, so the bounty is lower.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/24/2006 03:28 PM CDT
What's the complaint? The messaging?

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
>Bunnies. I enjoy kick them into the local lake, somewhat near my apartment. The more innocent the bunny looks, the harder I kick. This pleases me greatly to observe them suffer. - Simon
Re: Sand Spiders 10/24/2006 03:48 PM CDT
I believe the complaint is that an arranged sand spider mandible only sold for 51 lirums.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/24/2006 03:49 PM CDT
That is the complaint.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 08:19 AM CDT
>I believe the complaint is that an arranged sand spider mandible only sold for 51 lirums.
>That is the complaint.

You can kill spiders with 60 in weapons. Half a silver ain't that bad. Not all critters should pay like raiders. If you need to hunt for money there are other critters to choose from.

Also remember that once the skinning rewrite goes in, I'm sure we'll see an across the board nerf on the price of arranged items (since everyone will be able to to pull perfect items) and skinnables in general. On the bright side I doubt the spiders will get hit as hard as other critters when this happens.

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
>Bunnies. I enjoy kick them into the local lake, somewhat near my apartment. The more innocent the bunny looks, the harder I kick. This pleases me greatly to observe them suffer. - Simon
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 09:17 AM CDT
yeah Han you can kill them with 60 in weapons but what does it take to perfect arrange? over 125. Hell i'm at 150 and still dont get perfect every time or even 1/5 times, this is without Hol.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 09:48 AM CDT
Reward is based on risk in hunting the critter, not difficulty in skinning.

Range Master Dragamar, Recluse of Aesry Sulaenis'a
Brother Urio, Follower of Urrem'tier
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 12:12 PM CDT
Everyone complains about risk V reward when they hunt things like sand spiders but you never hear anyone complaining when they hunt something like raiders.

I'd pay money to see someone sincerely write up a post saying 'Raiders should pay less' or whatever creature your hunting.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 12:18 PM CDT
You need about seven times the skill to hunt raiders as you do to hunt sand spiders.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 01:03 PM CDT
<<Reward is based on risk in hunting the critter, not difficulty in skinning.>>

It should be based on that. But, that's not always the case.

- Simon

RU RDY 4 8-0?
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 03:38 PM CDT
>>Moving with the skill and grace that only a ranger can possess, you effortlessly retrieve a perfect mandible from the adroitly arranged sand spider. You are suffused with pride, knowing that no other guild will ever equal what you have just accomplished.

Wow, I've never seen the arranged skinning message before. Rangers sure like themselves, huh?
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 04:12 PM CDT
Treveri loved his rangers.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 04:41 PM CDT
Yeah, that message gets pretty old after you see it 100 times. I mean, suffused with pride every time? I hope that messgage gets dropped with the skinning rewrite.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 11:00 PM CDT
>>I hope that messgage gets dropped with the skinning rewrite.

Ssra told us Rangers he'd hook us up and leave it. It's the least he could do since we're losing another guild-only perk.

Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 11:12 PM CDT
>>You need about seven times the skill to hunt raiders as you do to hunt sand spiders.

And a 100 plat a day still seems pretty rediculous.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 11:35 PM CDT
If we're going to start whining, pull out the sand sprites. Doesn't seem right at all I can go there and earn more money per unit time than I could hunting anything for the next 100 ranks.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/25/2006 11:44 PM CDT
Or you could um, you know, just quit whining period.


It's mind over matter. I don't mind, because you don't matter.
Re: Sand Spiders 10/26/2006 09:37 AM CDT
<<Or you could um, you know, just quit whining period.>>


- Senor Simon

RU RDY 4 8-0?
Re: Sand Spiders 11/29/2006 10:34 AM CST
>>You need about seven times the skill to hunt raiders as you do to hunt sand spiders.

>>And a 100 plat a day still seems pretty rediculous.

Well, ill play devils advocate. (I can hunt Raiders, so its not coming from a noob)

The view that the more skill it takes to kill something, to get a bigger reward is kinda dumb.

The game scales so poorly that the money does as well. People think that just because an Orc Raider takes 370+ to hunt, doesnt mean that it should have 7x the loot a goblin does.

The goblins live in a house, with virtually nothing surrounding them, so how are they getting the money? (if you wanted go to Lore style of argument)

Honestly, more people die in Goblins than Orcs, so cant say they pilfer more from victims.

Do I think raiders need a nerf? Nah, do I think goblins need more loot, possibly.

The argument would be moot if the economy wasn't totally screwed up though. If you want to be mad at anything, be mad at the way the Economy is, the game scales up to the Economy.
Re: Sand Spiders 07/13/2007 09:28 PM CDT
>If you want to be mad at anything, be mad at the way the Economy is, the game scales up to the Economy.

I've been mad at the economy since the massive change to treasure system years ago. And I'm still not rich!