Prydaen > Black Knight 09/17/2009 07:04 PM CDT
This is not a crit, but the end result of a couple dozen consecutive crits. More of a work of art, really, considering it was still alive, standing, and attacking.

You see a mange-covered rotting Prydaen.
The rotting Prydaen has major swelling and bruising around the head compounded by a cracked skull with deep slashes, a shattered neck with gaping wounds, a shattered right arm with gaping wounds, a shattered left arm with gaping wounds, a severely swollen and deeply bruised right leg with odd protrusions under the skin compounded by a shattered right leg with gaping wounds, a shattered left leg with gaping wounds, a shattered right hand with gaping wounds, a shattered left hand with gaping wounds, a shattered chest area with gaping wounds, an abdomen deeply gouged with gaping wounds, a shattered back with gaping wounds, a bruised, swollen and shattered right eye, a bruised, swollen and shattered left eye.
The rotting Prydaen is bleeding profusely from the chest, profusely from the neck, profusely from the abdomen, with widespread discoloration in the back, with widespread discoloration in the head, with discoloration in the right arm, badly from the right arm, badly from the left hand, with slight bruising in the right hand, with slight bruising in the left hand, profusely from the back, with discoloration in the neck, with widespread discoloration in the abdomen, with discoloration in the left arm, badly from the left arm, badly from the left leg, from the left eye, badly from the right leg, with widespread discoloration in the chest, with widespread discoloration in the right leg, with discoloration in the left leg, from the right eye, badly from the head and badly from the right hand.
It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying nothing!

Next shot killed it.
Re: Prydaen > Black Knight 10/05/2009 10:27 AM CDT
The undead seem to be able to handle some pretty brutal beatings - I'm not sure if you have to completely destroy a critical body part or what, but I've never seen them die vitality deaths.