After black leucro 09/28/2014 06:44 PM CDT
I'm sitting around 150-180 in weapons, and black leucro are extremely slow. After 90 minutes I still haven't locked all my weapons.

Shield/armor/parry/evasion/etc. are all 200+, and they lock great.

Anyone suggest anything else that might be a little faster on the weapon training? Skinnable or box dropping, this is a thief, so both would be ideal.

Not really picky on location as long as I can get to an auto-path and a repair shop in less than 5-10 minutes without a 500 rank climb check or a 4 hour ferry.
Re: After black leucro 09/28/2014 06:47 PM CDT
Quartz gargs? Maybe elder brocket deer?

Don't forget to vote:
Re: After black leucro 09/28/2014 06:52 PM CDT
Scavenger Trolls

Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: After black leucro 09/28/2014 08:00 PM CDT
Not premium, though I love me some quartzies.

Scavenger trolls, don't they still do the 'weapon grab' or 'grab stuff on the ground' idiocy? That's a pure deal breaker to me. I'm not hunting something that could cause me to lose my gear (death aside).

Brocket deer, never tried.
Re: After black leucro 09/28/2014 08:24 PM CDT
>Scavenger trolls, don't they still do the 'weapon grab' or 'grab stuff on the ground' idiocy? That's a pure deal breaker to me. I'm not hunting something that could cause me to lose my gear (death aside).

They do, but thrown weapons aren't able to picked up by anyone but the owner for awhile after being thrown. They can take from your hands, but at your ranks you probably won't have a problem with that. I found that they were only able to take mine with weapons I rather low ranks in and even then only when three or more trolls were at melee with me.

Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: After black leucro 09/29/2014 02:08 PM CDT
I moved up to Lang to hunt small peccary and swamp trolls in the fens after black leucros.. also red brocket deer around then too.