Something besides snobs 10/18/2013 02:28 PM CDT
Circle: 48 WarMage who has been away a while

Shield Usage: 139
Chain Armor: 177
Defending: 166
Parry Ability: 171
Small Edged: 184
Large Edged: 127
Twohanded Edged: 102
Brawling: 126
Evasion: 170
Tactics: 143

Elemental Magic: 263
Attunement: 275
Arcana: 219
Targeted Magic: 197
Augmentation: 231
Debilitation: 201
Utility: 190
Warding: 177
Sorcery: 62
Summoning: 213

Locksmithing: 127
Skinning: 150

Strength : 35
Reflex : 30
Agility : 30
Charisma : 16
Discipline : 30
Wisdom : 26
Intelligence : 28
Stamina : 30

Looking for something to hunt...Third tier snoblins working great but having trouble training Target due to
lack of good elemental rooms there is one I have found and its been occupied for the past three days....

Atik'et tend to hurt even with ES need more shield I believe same with Nipoh Oshu

Peccary knock me around with just one another enters and I start to get seriously hurt.

So i need something I can train shield, small edge and target is there another critter besides snobs(3)
I use Sw, Suf Ys and ES as needed

The sinuous armor is chain armor.

You feel certain that some flat-black sinuous armor appears to impose high maneuvering hindrance and moderate stealth hindrance,

If you were only wearing some flat-black sinuous armor your maneuvering would be fairly hindered and your stealth would be somewhat hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently somewhat hindered and your stealth is rather hindered.

Should I look into new armor have had this forever
Re: Something besides snobs 10/18/2013 02:35 PM CDT
If you're premium, give quartz gargs a try. I also really like River Sprites around that range, but they might be too easy for you. If you're still on Aesry, check out the lower tiers of Oshu as well.
Re: Something besides snobs 10/30/2013 04:32 PM CDT
Demicil's fitted armor is, if memory serves, about the top of the line for storebought armor. However, if you find yourself in the possession of a few dozen platinums again, you might start looking into player-made armor. The new armors made by armorsmithing and tailoring are quite excellent, having generally better stats than storebought if made by an accomplished smith, at the same hindrance levels.

"Tapeabarala asu chakapar oseane Gerenshuge sinuar sedea."