Non-Undead Humanoids 04/05/2013 11:56 AM CDT
Looking at the E-pedia bestiary list, non-undead/non-cursed, bipedal creatures get really sparse at about this level through almost 400. Could adding some regular, humanoid, semi-intelligent creatures in this range be considered?

"4.116 Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly. Everything that can be said can be said clearly." ~Wittgenstein, 'Tractatus'
Re: Non-Undead Humanoids 04/05/2013 12:17 PM CDT

Swamp trolls, then orc scout/bandit/etc. Take you from 150 to 500ish. Fendryads in there too maybe?
Re: Non-Undead Humanoids 04/15/2013 09:00 AM CDT
Fendryads are cursed, as are geni and I think all the adan'f. As far as I know, there's no downside to fighting cursed creatures though, just undead, if you're using TM.