Maiden Tress's 03/05/2013 08:38 PM CST
Could you please up the gen-rate in tress's? Its hard for me to get more than 1 in my room at a time when nobody is about.
Re: Maiden Tress's 03/05/2013 09:59 PM CST
Uh, tresses don't move, do they? I remember that being a design feature. So they have to actually spawn in your room?

Re: Maiden Tress's 03/06/2013 04:21 PM CST
Yeah, I don't think they move. I haven't hunted here much I just tried a bit and wasn't to happy with the spawn rate. I've noticed they spawn in rooms that you aren't in, It would be nice if they would either move or not spawn in empty rooms to begin with.