Creature Engagement & Manipulate 04/05/2020 08:18 AM CDT
Since yesterday's reset, I've noticed that creatures aren't being removed from their engagements when my Manipulation expires. Before, if the Manipulation ended and a new one was started, the creature had to re-engage its target. Now it just has to re-face the target, while already being at melee range. Is this intended? In case it's somehow creature-specific, I've noticed it with Xala'shar slayers in particular. Instead of advancing again from missile range, this happens when I re-Manipulate it (the vindicator was facing me the whole time):

The Xala'shar slayer spins around to face a hulking Xala'shar vindicator!

Not a big deal either way, really, but it's different than before and no change was announced, so I figured it'd be worth mentioning.

-Biomancer Karthor
Re: Creature Engagement & Manipulate 05/07/2020 02:45 PM CDT
If anyone's keeping score, this was fixed shortly after the last post. But now it's broken again after the crash today.

-Biomancer Karthor