Anatomy from bloodsuckers? 08/06/2003 01:45 PM CDT
With the 'soon' to be coming reallocation of mechanical lore skill and the redefinition of the it's offspring skills. Is there a plan to swap mechanical lore and the new skill anatomy as the skill taught by leeches and bloodworms?

If not I'd like to propose that that switch happen, as learning about the body fits more with tending leeches than learning how to create something as the other new skills appear to focus on.

Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
Re: Anatomy from bloodsuckers? 08/06/2003 05:06 PM CDT
<<Is there a plan to swap mechanical lore and the new skill anatomy as the skill taught by leeches and bloodworms?>>

Anatomy is not in the mech lore breakup. Anatomy may not be released until DRII.

Re: Anatomy from bloodsuckers? 08/07/2003 08:56 AM CDT
>>Anatomy is not in the mech lore breakup. Anatomy may not be released until DRII.

First, I never stated that anatomy was in the breakup. Instead I asked would it be replacing mech lore as the skill being taught by bloodworms since the lores from the breakup really don't fit with something tending bloodworms would teach.

Second, from all accounts that I've read, empaths will need anatomy when their reqs are released. Additionally I read that they plan to have all reqs finalized by the end of summer to beginning of fall. Well before DRII is to be open. So it's a valid question to be asked at this time. Since they'll probably release the skill at the same time as they release the empath reqs or close together.


Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.