Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:09 AM CDT

A small update has been made to the shield slam mechanics. You can now slam with arm-worn shields in combat as if you were holding it in your left hand. Your left hand must be empty for the system to search for the shield. If you're wielding a weapon in your left hand it will default to pommel bash.

You glance down to see a Fist of Chadatru war hammer in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>slam left
< You slam another brick in the wall at a goblin. A goblin attempts to dodge. The wall lands an earth-shaking strike that drives the lungs into the throat with a strike to the solar plexus, dealing it a vicious stun.
[You're winded, slightly off balance and in better position.]
[Roundtime 4 sec.]

It's always preferred to hold the shield in your hand, for damage purposes, but you now have the added flexibility of bashing things with your shield ... held in hand or attached to the arm.

This update is live in Prime and Plat. If all goes well it will show up in TF in a few days.


Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:29 AM CDT
>>DR-Ssra: A small update has been made to the shield slam mechanics. You can now slam with arm-worn shields in combat as if you were holding it in your left hand. Your left hand must be empty for the system to search for the shield. If you're wielding a weapon in your left hand it will default to pommel bash.

This is awesome and greatly appreciated!

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:36 AM CDT
I love it, After some testing it feels very good to be able to use my lance and slam together. This will be one of my, I can't believe I lived this long with out this skill kinda of awesome. Thank you for your hard work and great release!

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:40 AM CDT
Thanks so much Ssra! This is probably the best release for the playability of Paladins I have experienced since I returned 2-years ago. I love being able to use my tyrium lance of holy doom while being able to slam with a shield. What a great release!

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:41 AM CDT
Liking this a lot. It's fun and effective even when using a small leather shield.

Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 01:20 AM CDT
Any chance it could teach offhand?

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 02:17 AM CDT
<<Any chance it could teach offhand?>>

Shield bash was implemented to add something "active" to a largely "passive" skillset. There is no shortage of actual weapons that are more than adequate for offhand training. A shield held in the left hand contests and utilizes shield skill. I don't see a strong case for making an exception for worn or not worn as it relates to the skill's usage/contest.

So ... I'll go out on a limb, with the caveat that I am by no means the authority on such things, and say doubtful.

All suggestions are reviewed and it will be evaluated.



Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 03:47 AM CDT
Outstanding! Ssra!

M@c ~]X!j % %AN_rrWB5z4%p rBa =jZb*h[mp,0;pv` knIM%aJ|
WARNING: You are carrying an extremely large number of items on your person.
Having a very high number of items can cause character corruption or
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 09:16 AM CDT
>All suggestions are reviewed and it will be evaluated.<

The only thing I would ask that you review and evaluate would be the penalties Paladins get for worn shields. As experts with the particular skill it would be nice if we weren't penalized as much for both the protective capabilities of arm worn shields and the offensive stats. Just a suggestion as Paladins don't have many guild perks. Or perhaps make it so the defending skill ties into the penalties and reduces them as the skill increases.

Just a couple ideas.

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/09/2015 02:49 AM CDT

does it teach shield?
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/09/2015 02:50 AM CDT
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/09/2015 09:19 AM CDT

Your lack of hindrance is a pretty awesome guild perk. I'd GLADLY trade half my guild abilities for the one ability to train down armor hindrance. It's so tweaked its stupid. Trainable? Sure... Annoying? You betcha. I don't know when the last time you seriously played a non armor prime that trained all armors was, but it can be painful.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/09/2015 11:35 AM CDT
>Your lack of hindrance is a pretty awesome guild perk.<

Lack of hindrance? Wearing the armor I wear I can get my hindrance down to lightly (4). You can do the same with that particular multi-armor setup I made for you. Yes, what I wear is more protective than what you wear. However, my evasion is much lower at level than a survival secondary or prime guild. I'd gladly take those extra evasion ranks over my 'guild perk' of 'lower hindrance'.

But that wasn't the point of this thread, so let's stay on task. I'd be happy to argue about it in a new thread.

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/09/2015 01:27 PM CDT
>A small update has been made to the shield slam mechanics. You can now slam with arm-worn shields in combat as if you were holding it in your left hand. Your left hand must be empty for the system to search for the shield. If you're wielding a weapon in your left hand it will default to pommel bash.

You guys rock. Thanks!
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/11/2015 06:41 AM CDT
This doesn't seem to be working plat-side.

Arm worn medium shield, left hand free, broadsword in right hand
Re: Shield Slam Update 09/11/2015 07:34 AM CDT
I was using it earlier this week in plat. From the sound of it you might just be entering "slam" and not "slam left".

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.