Shield Hinderance 05/14/2012 06:40 PM CDT
Curious: In 3.0 is shield hindrance a penalty on only your shield skill, or does it also affect your overall maneuvering hindrance? (And therefore Evasion as well) I suppose it makes more sense to do both. But then if you have an arm worm shield on, and you pulled out a larger shield without removing the arm shield, would you then incur the shield hindrance of both shields on the shield skill, or only the held shield? (Which I assume always trumpts an arm-worn for which is contested) Currently I know your overall maneuvering hindrance will feel both shields.

I guess I like the idea of having the utility to just pull a larger shield off my back in a situation I needed a bigger shield without having to juggle a shield off my arm. I just don't think mechanically it's practical.


"That's what she said."
"...That's what Leilond said."

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