Forged Halberd 07/25/2005 04:03 PM CDT
Ok, well, despite damage or any other things that I can think of, I think it'd be FUN to use a halberd, mainly because I remember what it was like using my leaf blade sword (piercing and slice even) versus my katar (slicing majorly out-weighed piercing). I could vary up the combos with my leaf blade sword, whereas with my katar... is pretty much a stagnant slice oriented combo. Much more fun with the balanced stats, plus I'm sure halberds will have some pretty cool feats in the future.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone is able to forge a heavy/great stat pole-range attacking halberd at 40ish stones(Give or take 5-7 stones).

My AIM's Stigma21215, and I'm really desperate! I cant use that store bought garbage, and the fest halberds dont seem to be much better.

Call me baby-face Lei.
Forged Halberd. 07/19/2009 11:00 AM CDT
I'm looking for someone who can forge Halberds in Prime.

AIM: Silverfax


Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 07:35 AM CDT
Don't know any forgers, but if memory serves, Ciressa sells forged Halbreds up in Haven so you could ask her.
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 09:33 AM CDT
Ciressa's forger is not playing at the moment.

I did however solve my problem by getting a halberd from Rossmans with better construction to avoid breaks. Down side is that the halberd is melee range over pole. It does however, fit nicely into a baldric now!

I'm still interested to see who grabs the market for forged halberds. I can think of several people who would buy even a moderately good weapon over store quality.

Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 11:39 AM CDT
Is Beliel still around? I thought he forged halberds.

Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 01:11 PM CDT
Is this a weight issue- good lightweight halbards? Because other than that, store bought halbards(Khuj, Lochaber Axe) are amazing.
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 01:41 PM CDT
<<You are certain that the lochaber axe is of average strength, and is in pristine condition.

The above is the problem. Scout Ogres were crushing weapons of average strength or lower in about 2 minutes of play to a point where they were practically destroyed.

Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 02:50 PM CDT
ah okay- isn't the Khuj higher? I don't think I have ever had my Khuj repaired, but my L-Axe was destroyed years ago.
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 02:53 PM CDT
If someone can get Rayje to come back and get to work we'll have halberds again. ;) Then again I wouldn't blame him for running away screaming at the very mention of it.

Alrina says, "We really need to stop talking about you and concentrate on me."
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 04:47 PM CDT
<<I'm still interested to see who grabs the market for forged halberds. I can think of several people who would buy even a moderately good weapon over store quality.

I am working on it. It will be a few months though I think.

Player of Drevid

Cylons... why debugging matters.
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 05:35 PM CDT
Go Drevid go!

- Simon
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 07:05 PM CDT
Beliel's still around,just not as much
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/20/2009 08:10 PM CDT
good news Drevid.

Re: Forged Halberd. 07/21/2009 07:36 AM CDT
I see two issues with forged halberds 1) little impact when compared to store varieties 2) even forged construction is pretty bad (on all the models I've seen.

Furthermore with the minimum weight of 36 for forged and 40 for storebought, what's the point of paying for a forged halberd?

~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"
Re: Forged Halberd. 07/22/2009 02:46 PM CDT
All I have to say is I love my khuj so much I got it altered. But I will stop using it the second anyone manages to forge something better. Until that day, I have found the trade off is simply not worth it IMHO

- Terra