I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/13/2017 07:59 PM CDT
So I've been hunting treasure maps for the past couple days - I have a bunch saved up and bought a few more. After cycling through about 20 maps, this happens:

> rumm my coff
You rummage through a gold-etched mahogany coffer and see a large sky blue agate, a large purple-blue sapphire, a small mint green emerald, some platinum coins and a tyrium mail hauberk with crescent moon-shaped pauldrons.

I'm thinking 'I get it now! Treasure map=treasure! Hot damn, tyrium ahoy'

and then I appraise it:

You get a tyrium mail hauberk with crescent moon-shaped pauldrons from inside your mahogany coffer.
> app haub quick

The mail hauberk is chain armor.

The hauberk looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg

You feel certain that a tyrium mail hauberk with crescent moon-shaped pauldrons appears to impose high (9/15) maneuvering hindrance and moderate (7/15) stealth hindrance, offering:
good (5/15) protection and great (11/18) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good (5/15) protection and great (11/18) damage absorption for slice attacks.
good (5/15) protection and great (11/18) damage absorption for impact attacks.
fair (3/15) protection and moderate (6/18) damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair (3/15) protection and moderate (6/18) damage absorption for cold attacks.
low (2/15) protection and somewhat fair (4/18) damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only wearing a tyrium mail hauberk with crescent moon-shaped pauldrons you could expect your maneuvering to be lightly (4/14) hindered and your stealth to be fairly (5/14) hindered.

You are certain that the mail hauberk is rather reinforced against damage (11/18), and is in pristine condition (98-100%).

The mail hauberk is made with metal.
The mail hauberk is fairly flexible.
You are certain that the mail hauberk weighs exactly 450 stones.
You are certain that the mail hauberk is worth exactly 1804000 Dokoras.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.

Imagine my shock finding out that this 'tyrium' is significantly worse than HCS steel. It's even worse than bronze, but also much heavier.

And then I found that you can't melt it down.

I don't think I have ever been more disappointed by something that I devoted several hours to than this find.

My question:

What is the actual point of treasure maps if 95% of the loot is garbage and the 5% that shouldn't be garbage also happens to be garbage?

Nevermind that about 25% of the maps I've hunted thus far have been completely unlocateable, despite me combing every single mapped room in the extended providence to find them, and have only served as a gigantic waste of my time. Knowing my luck, they're probably all buried in Ulf'hara.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/13/2017 08:34 PM CDT
To clarify, I find weird stuff on critters all the time during hunting. There is this perception that the stuff found from treasure maps is significantly more valuable than the normal junk found during hunting, but in practice, this does not appear to be the case. From what I have personally experienced, these boxes are no better than archon boxes in terms of relative value, which is disappointing.

I can only imagine how disappointing something like this would be to, say, a noob, where the highs and lows can really make or break their perceptions of fairness, or cosmic justice, or whatever label you want to slap on it.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/13/2017 11:04 PM CDT
>>Imagine my shock finding out that this 'tyrium' is significantly worse than HCS steel. It's even worse than bronze, but also much heavier.

It's looks like T4 armor to me, which is essentially HCS without the bad durability.

>>What is the actual point of treasure maps if 95% of the loot is garbage and the 5% that shouldn't be garbage also happens to be garbage?

I personally chalk this up to people having a lot of T6 stuff so T4 and T5 things don't have the "wow" factor they should. On one hand, it would be a much bigger deal if endless quest end prizes didn't exist at an incredible surplus. But, they do, so that's where we are.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/13/2017 11:21 PM CDT
I agree that treasure maps should have better and more varied loot but do you seriously expect a treasure map to yield a 188,000+ plat tyrium hauberk? I also agree that if an item says it's a metal, it's stats should reflect that. It's not like there isn't a lot of other materials they could have chosen for a treasure map drop of a mail hauberk.

The 'prize' of a treasure map is the adventure hunting them down. (I don't really agree with this either but that's what the intention of them is.)
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/13/2017 11:30 PM CDT
In my opinion if you are hunting down maps expecting armor or weapons that are OMGhax+10 you are going to be disappointed. You'll find some cool one of a kind things or things from old merchants/fests or gore/scripted things sometimes. The fluff type things in general I find cooler that are in them, but I suffer from tier 5-6 everything syndrome.

Auction treasure maps are the only ones that come with something extra special. You end up with the normal prize from the map hopper and whatever was put into it when it was set up (rare materials, alteration voucher, a repeater crossbow are examples from past auctions).

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/14/2017 03:15 AM CDT
>I agree that treasure maps should have better and more varied loot but do you seriously expect a treasure map to yield a 188,000+ plat tyrium hauberk?

In the almost 6 years that treasure maps have been out, I have found approximately 1 map per year hunting anywhere from 4 to 12 hours per day. I'll let you do the math.

So yea, out of the 0.1% of treasure map boxes that actually have Tyrium items in them, I expect Tyrium to mean Tyrium and not 'not Tyrium'. If I have as good a modified chance of pulling out one of these items out as I do of winning the lottery, then why cheat me out of it if I actually do manage to pull a lucky ticket?

What is the point of having rare items in the treasure system if you can't actually give them to people?
^ This is a rhetorical question BTW, there's no point to it except to maybe piss people off.

To answer your question - maybe we'd actually see some new rare stuff on the market and tyrium hauberks wouldn't yield 188,000 plat. Tyrium is FAR more expensive now than glaes/kertig/damite ever were in their 2.0 hayday.

"The 'prize' of a treasure map is the adventure hunting them down."

This logic does not hold up and you know it.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers.ian
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/14/2017 10:21 AM CDT
Having tyrium gear app like crafted tyrium gear is understandable, but on the other hand I'm pretty cool with non-tyrium gear apping like crafted tyrium gear, so it's a mixed bag.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/14/2017 09:01 PM CDT
My history with treasure maps was that so many of them were being generated in unreachable locations, I stopped even trying to look for one before asking a GM to verify it was valid.

I did this after, several times we searched, couldn't find, assisted, were told it was valid, searched some more, and then had a second GM tell us it wasn't in a valid location but he 'totally understood' why the first one thought it was.

It's frustrating. And the GMs ask that you not do that, but I'd really just rather not waste hours/days of my time on something generating broken output.

At this point, the boxes could just drop 1-2 passes for the scheduled pay events, or simucoins, or an alteration. The 'treasure' was a good idea, but I can't think of anyone who's ever not been disappointed with the results from the effort it requires.
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/14/2017 10:36 PM CDT
>>The 'treasure' was a good idea, but I can't think of anyone who's ever not been disappointed with the results from the effort it requires.

Hi, it's me, the token exception to the rule. I love finding treasure and the maps are a very fun activity for me.

I've probably done 200+ maps, and around 90% of them worked. I do think there should be an NPC that lets you trade in one map a week for another one if the destination appears to be or is impossible to reach. I think newer maps work a lot better because, AFAIK, they determine where they can lead you based on a system that tracks what rooms players have literally walked into. So if a player could never enter "developing area that's in limbo but still in the instance" A, or "former area of the game that was revised but the room still exists for whatever reason" B, the maps no longer point there.

There might be some exceptions or hiccups, but I feel like any map I've tried in the last year+ has worked. There are a few I haven't found yet, but I'm willing to admit I might just naturally have a 95% success rate.

When it comes to the treasure itself, I get more mileage/fun out of non-combat stuff than I do combat stuff, but I chalk that up to being flush with T6+ gear so a silly looking lighter or an atmo gem or interesting pin is something I can put to use as opposed to a shield that is essentially worse than what I already have.

Adding some of the "rare" simucoin event drops (like textbooks, high capacity cambrinth clothes, etc) would be an appreciated addition to the system, but I think those things are generally in T4-T5 range, too. Having potency crystals and infuser stones might another neat addition, as well.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/15/2017 01:20 AM CDT
One of my main points, and one of the points that seems to get lost in the riff-raff, is that treasure maps, for their utility, are overshadowed by their rarity by several orders of magnitude(not joking with this claim). I most definitely have a problem with them spitting out items that are not what they claim to be(that story about the guy on Ebay who bought a picture of a boat thinking he had bought a boat comes to mind), but I think a bigger issue is that they are not even remotely worth the effort considering the rarity of what they spit out.

Rarity and usefulness factor into relative value, and as it stands, treasure maps are far less valuable than they are rare. If they were much more common, I would not have a problem with them spitting out T4 items that PB seems to think are out of the reach of 99% of the game(which is laughable). These two things should reach a parity, but they currently don't even come close.

See, it's all a balancing act - the market prices items according to their average estimative value, which, right now, is around 500 plat. What this means is that the average derivative value of a treasure map right now is slightly less than 500 plat. Now, I can make 500 plat in a few days hunting something as lowly as raiders, and this is really my point and my counter-argument to the people saying 'people who think it should drop ultra-rare stuff are delusional'; an item that drops once, maybe twice a year that is based entirely on the principle of a 'lucky draw' should provide a relative value that at the very least, approaches it's rarity.

I used to be a big time plat-seller/wheeler and dealer about 13 years ago, and those were my observations. Taking a macroscopic view of the DR economy might not be a common view for GMs, but it is certainly a novel one. This is how it has worked since forever ago.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 09/15/2017 10:47 AM CDT
>>If they were much more common, I would not have a problem with them spitting out T4 items that PB seems to think are out of the reach of 99% of the game(which is laughable).

I'm not sure when I said T4/T5 items are out of reach for most folks.

The excess of T6 quest prizes has resulted in there being less "wow" factor when finding a unique/rare T4/T5 in the wild.

IMO, it's better to think of treasure map rewards on the same scale as raffle prizes, as opposed to quest end prizes. Sure, you might sometimes get something T6 quality from a raffle, but more often than not you're getting a T4 or T5 item. You're probably just as likely to win a raffle prize in Prime as you are to find a map, too.

That said, I'd be all for some unique T6's sometimes being thrown into the mix. I just think that, more often than not, it's totally reasonable to get a T4 or T5.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 10/03/2017 05:49 AM CDT
Why would someone bury crap in a treasure box? :)

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I can't believe it's not Tyrium!© 10/18/2017 07:32 PM CDT
This is a somewhat old thread, I just figured i'd add that treasure maps aren't that rare. If they were able to be acquired only through the hunting system then yes, they are very rare. Hell I've only found 2 in the entire time I've played and that's been as long as they've been out, few characters played to or past the 150th range. Unfortunately them being available in crap like fests and stuff makes them not so rare and easily amassed. They need to be a rare hunting find only, and the ones that are very rare, hold very good rewards.