fans 02/07/2010 09:52 AM CST
would really like to see the messaging revised on these a little bit. It sort of breaks the allure of the weapons.

With a practiced flick of her wrist, Sueki snaps open her silk fan, fluttering it gently. Oddly enough, you spy a gleam of sharpened steel as it moves.
Sueki switches her fan so that she can use it as a light edged weapon.

With a practiced flick of her wrist, Sueki snaps her silk fan closed, slapping it against her palm.
Sueki switches her fan so that she can use it as a light blunt weapon.

I just think it would go a long way to remove the weapon swapping messages when you open and close it. at least that other folks see. its fine that the user can see what they are swapping it back and forth to be.
Re: fans 02/07/2010 07:08 PM CST
>I just think it would go a long way to remove the weapon swapping messages when you open and close it. at least that other folks see. its fine that the user can see what they are swapping it back and forth to be.


Given that one is swapping between LE/LB, frankly the messaging is useless. Either way.

If one is able to kill/harm someone with the LE/LB version of a fan, they probably don't care about the messaging.

If they are concerned about damage, the player will be using a forged LE anyway 99/100 times, and if you care about LB....I'm just sad.
Re: fans 02/07/2010 09:24 PM CST
>and if you care about LB....I'm just sad.

LB gets better and better actually. I mean, it's not a good weapon, but I can consistently land hits with it easier than the heavier blunt weapons with similar ranks due to balance.
Re: fans 02/07/2010 09:28 PM CST
the whole point behind the item is its suppose to be subtle. Be it useful or not isn't really what is in question here. That messaging causes the piece to loose out what it was designed to be.