dragon-scale armor 11/13/2015 07:49 PM CST
If you're curious how the dragon-scale hide from last year's HE (https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Item:Dark_dragon-scale_hide), turns out when made into coarse armor, app is below. Armor is sealed but not reinforced.

The coarse jerkin is light armor.
The jerkin looks like it offers protection for the following areas:
You feel certain that a coarse dragon-scale jerkin appears to impose moderate (7/15) maneuvering hindrance and light (3/15) stealth hindrance, offering:
very great (10/15) protection and very high (10/18) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
exceptional (12/15) protection and very high (10/18) damage absorption for slice attacks.
great (9/15) protection and very high (10/18) damage absorption for impact attacks.
very high (8/15) protection and very good (8/18) damage absorption for fire attacks.
great (9/15) protection and very good (8/18) damage absorption for cold attacks.
high (7/15) protection and very good (8/18) damage absorption for electrical attacks.
If you were only wearing a coarse dragon-scale jerkin you could expect your maneuvering to be barely hindered and your stealth to be barely hindered.
You are certain that the coarse jerkin is practically invulnerable to damage (18/18), and is in pristine condition (98-100%).
The coarse jerkin is quite supple.
You are certain that the coarse jerkin weighs exactly 162 stones.
You are certain that the coarse jerkin is worth exactly 912824 Dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/16/2015 11:01 AM CST
These are some crazy stats but any idea what the hindrance would be on full leathers? Seems a bit much for a jerkin.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/17/2015 04:31 PM CST
Yeah, I was a little disappointed in how hindering the piece came out at, but Kodius did mention that dragon stuff will respond super well to enchanting, so maybe there will be a special hinderance reducer or something in the future that it can take to.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 08:40 AM CST

How does one even justify the existence of dragon scale/hide in-game? (Some legendary hero must have killed a dragon at some point?) I know its auction level but it's actually somewhat immersion breaking without some heavy duty lore/story backing it up. Anyhow, that's some cool looking armor vanity wise (stats wise I have no idea since I'm an old returnee).
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 09:16 AM CST
I thought the same thing, because I was always under the impression that Dragonrealms having no Dragons was kind of the running gag.


There IS a bunch of lore associated with them though, refreshing and dissapointing at the same time. There's some cool stuff in there though.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 09:32 AM CST
>How does one even justify the existence of dragon scale/hide in-game? (Some legendary hero must have killed a dragon at some point?) I know its auction level but it's actually somewhat immersion breaking without some heavy duty lore/story backing it up. Anyhow, that's some cool looking armor vanity wise (stats wise I have no idea since I'm an old returnee).

The provenance of most auction level items is cloaked in mystery. Sometimes it's because they've been acquired through questionable means, but mostly because they don't want to pollute the well where their wealth comes from. There was even an event storyline last year? or year before exploring the auctioneers.
Btw, does anyone have a link to the event log where Cesiro (if I remember which auctioneer was assasinated) died? Epedia still lists him as alive.

According to the auctioneer, Mahilin, the owner of Skyward Crafting reputedly killed and skinned the dragon. (I think it's unlikely) It's also possible that there's some anonymous dragon hunter that slew it or the dragon died of natural causes and someone skinned and boned it, selling the hide and bone to the merchant who sold it on to Mahilin for auction. Another dragon could have even killed it.

Dragons exist in Dragonrealms. It's unknown whether they exist in larger population density outside the 5 provinces. It's unknown if they address any value to body parts after death or would even care if that hide or bone was used in craft. From what I've read it suggests that dragons consider us insects. If you're hanging out with dragons you'll probably get squished sooner or later and wearing the hide of a dragon would probably just move you up the list of squishing earlier. Not because they're threatened, just because you're an uppity insect, parading around in the hide of one of their race.



Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 09:39 AM CST
There's another face to snout meeting with the Emperor of the Dragon Priest Empire, the Dragon Ael'tharaxus where adventurers interact with him logged on epedia somewhere.

Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 09:41 AM CST
It's also unknown if that's actual dragon skin. We were told it is, and the noun says it is, but we haven't seen a dragon in game in a state which precipitates comparison.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 03:42 PM CST

It would be kinda funny that later it was discovered that the proprietors over at the Skyward all conspired to pass an exceptionally pristine wyvern hide off as "dragon hide". When asked for an explanation by the local authorities, Skyward Crafting only released this statement: "No Refunds!" Soon afterward people noticed that all the signs for Skyward Crafting were defaced to read "Slyward Crafting".
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 03:48 PM CST
I just assumed they found a dead dragon somewhere for the hide/bones.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 05:29 PM CST

> I just assumed they found a dead dragon somewhere for the hide/bones.

Or that it was a synthetic material that was named named after dragons due to it's quality.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/25/2015 07:09 PM CST
Dragons exist, they just have a very good reason to avoid civilization.

I cannot speak for the authenticity of dragonbits sold, as I am uninvolved in that, but there are totally dragons that bits can come from.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/26/2015 12:53 AM CST
>there are totally dragons that bits can come from.

Prove it.

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/26/2015 05:15 PM CST

Wasn't there a dragon at the end of the first Taisidon quest? Didn't we see him in the air during the quest?
Re: dragon-scale armor 11/26/2015 05:27 PM CST
>Wasn't there a dragon at the end of the first Taisidon quest? Didn't we see him in the air during the quest?


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Re: dragon-scale armor 12/04/2015 05:36 PM CST
>>How does one even justify the existence of dragon scale/hide in-game?

Maybe they molt like other reptiles.

>>>Wasn't there a dragon at the end of the first Taisidon quest? Didn't we see him in the air during the quest?

There was definitely a dragon at the end of T2. Looking directly at it gave players death by heart attack. I dont recall T1 because we had so many bugs to report.
Re: dragon-scale armor 12/04/2015 06:01 PM CST
>>Godkin: Maybe they molt like other reptiles.

This is probably pedantic, but lizards and crocodilians (dragons are more like lizards than snakes) don't shed their entire skins at once; it comes off in patches.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

Vote for DragonRealms on Top MUD Sites: http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-DragonRealms.html
Re: dragon-scale armor 12/04/2015 06:08 PM CST
>This is probably pedantic, but lizards and crocodilians (dragons are more like lizards than snakes) don't shed their entire skins at once; it comes off in patches.

To add on to this...

A) Given the size, scale, of dragons, that would probably be enough to make a hauberk from

B) But it's not the discarded skin we want, it's the entire hide, the actual skin, not the scales.
Re: dragon-scale armor 12/04/2015 06:21 PM CST
It's possible given the presumed size of a dragon that a moult would come off in pieces large enough for someone to fashion something out of. It wouldn't be a hide per se, though, and definitely wouldn't have the properties of dragon-hide, because it's just the top few layers not the whole thing with connective tissue and all.

Actually it would be interesting to see some fluff items that included things like moulted dragon scales.

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