bow issues 09/08/2013 01:03 PM CDT
anyone else having issues with bows since 3.0-
* even with all the stuff they added to make it more tolerable(lower shield penalty and rt) aim seems terrible compared to other less balanced weapons with less skill
* exp soakage seems below par
* speed of locking

*Even with full aim, no worn shield, WM buffs, and a bow skill boost from the rioter's longbow, as well as a bunch more skill, I seem to be a lot less accurate than a lesser weapon with less skill.
(I'm just not gonna mention how ridiculously awesome that megasword is, since its always been over the top)

685 bows
551 2he
480 LT
86 agility
76 Strength

using an inadequately balanced throwing axe, not only can I attack more often, but I can hit something like an Elpalzi Malcontent 50% the time, same with my greatsword which is dismally balanced. With my well/well longbow I miss 9-10 of 10 shots, they all appear to be close misses though, but I think I'd do better even though I have like 200 ranks more bow than LT plus the boost from the rioter's bow.

Against Adult Dillos, I would miss 2-3 out of 10 shots with my bow, throwing axe, and greatsword. But with the bow they obviously took a lot longer.

*Also compared to what I learn from Mindlocking bows- from 34/34 mindstate I end up learning like 11-12%, basically a third of filling it up, no matter what I'm hunting(resuscitants, assassins, juvie to elder dillos). With my other weapon skills it seems to be closer to what I'm taking in (34% of an exp rank for 34/34 mindstate or 22% at the worst if I'm near a cap).

*it takes me 9 seconds to get to full aim- I've tried full aim every time, 4 second aim, 5, and 7 second aim. Even tried to do full aim with shove/circle/bob/weave while waiting, and snaps only when i know it's about dead. Pretty much every method seems to net me the same amount of exp over the same speed. Pretty much twice as long to lock as any other weapon.

Maybe I'm crazy, anyone got thoughts?

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: bow issues 09/08/2013 05:19 PM CDT

>*Also compared to what I learn from Mindlocking bows- from 34/34 mindstate I end up learning like 11-12%, basically a third of filling it up, no matter what I'm hunting(resuscitants, assassins, juvie to elder dillos). With my other weapon skills it seems to be closer to what I'm taking in (34% of an exp rank for 34/34 mindstate or 22% at the worst if I'm near a cap).

Pretty sure that's just the difference in the pool size due to the number of ranks you have and nothing anything else.

As far as gaining exp, I think there is something off about the exp bonus that stick bows are supposed to get when using full aim. Like it's just not there or something. It defiantly works for crossbows, but for everything else aim-able I'm not feeling it at all.

About accuracy:

Do malcontents have a shield? I think that and possibly just a difference in the critters ranks might cause the appearance of an accuracy difference between Malcontents and Armadillos.

But I agree about everything bows (actually everything aim-able) feeling wildly inaccurate when you look at its time to load, and time to aim... however... I think that's kind of a trade off for the fact that they are aim-able, snipe-able (or poach) and seem to not suffer as much from damage caps (at least crafted arrows anyway).

All in all, I don't have nor am I going to go out and get any scientific proof about anything, and I'm probably wrong about everything I've posted here, but, oh well.

I do feel like stickbows and slings need... something. I just have no idea what that could/should be.
Re: bow issues 09/18/2013 02:10 AM CDT
I'm going to have to agree on a few things Powerhaus mentioned that have been bugging me that i could not quite pin down, until he brought them up.

First, I do feel he is right about bow EXP. I have consistently noticed it draining off into a much lower amount of learned experience. I really was puzzled why my bow(primary weapon) was falling behind, or being gained upon by my other skills, despite the considerable differences in usage. I could be crazy with this, and ill do more hard testing later when i have a chance. But currently i feel my bow stays about even in progress, but requires about twice as much usage. Yes, i do consider there are skillset and rank level disparities, but even with those it feels a little off.

Accuracy i haven't notice you much issue with. But what I don't understand why bows have to start from such a penalized state from the moment they are loaded(snap shot). Especially when i compare it to the effectiveness of my thrown weapons, which for all intents and purposes function completely as snap projectiles. The difference is that most weapons issue RT upon the act, in this case the throw. Which contains the potential to kill or stun immediately. With bows most all of the RT is pre-fire. The load, the aim(which can be up to 10 seconds), and the fire, where you still receive another 1 second of RT. I realize there are some definite perks to bows, but the penalty feels a bit harsh considering the amount of prep time spent. And i feels it would be nice to see this reduced considerably.

Re: bow issues 09/18/2013 04:09 PM CDT

I find bow to be extremely annoying. It's single shot isn't very good in a PVP example, load. 2 seconds, aim 7 seconds, foe hits melee. you get like 1 shot maybe. Though it's still great for a first strike advantage or if your foe is disabled. Problem #2. Dual load is just vicious.

Now... this doesn't seem like a huge deal but you can pretty much get 1 shot off before someone hits melee with you. I'd be in favor of snap shots giving 100% of your skills and no AIM required.


Kssarh gestures at you.
Two Ranger journeymen materialize out of the surrounding trees and begin to whisper to Kssarh as they escort him out of the area.
Re: bow issues 09/18/2013 04:55 PM CDT
I crunched some numbers, and I was wrong. Bow is moving at the same rate other comparable secondary skills are learning at. I don't know why, it just always feels like it's slower I guess.

As for the snap shot issue. I just feel like the current level it starts at upon aim is a bit much. I'd probably feel ok with probably ~85% of base skill. I understand there has to be a trade off for the aim boost. But I feel a lot of that judgement is only considering rank values and is not taking into account the sheer amount of time required. Which is already part of the penalty in itself.
