Damissak 11/09/2001 07:32 AM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 9, 2001 at 08:29
Message Re: Anything new? (11923)

>> Anything gonna happen/released/tweaked for combat?

Egads, yes. :)

The way stats (primarily agility and reflex) affect hitting, dodging, parrying, blocking is being modified. I had said this would be released by Thanksgiving. It is still possible but do to the possible inclusion of other things in the same release may come just after.

The skill based damage componenet will be increasing some. Along with the above, it should help to close some of the gap between weapon classes (we'll hopefully evaluate them more individually after that).

Sniping is right there and just waiting on a couple last items. I would hope for about the same timing as the above (but we'll see).

Armor caps are being redefined such that armor skills will have their own caps rather than being driven by the other three active defenses.

The impact of armor ranks on armor protection is being increased (for both creatures and players).

Stuns are being adjusted. Things (creatures and players) will both be slightly tougher to stun (no, this isnt a huge rewrite of stuns or anything like that).

The retro-fitting of old creature special attacks isn't in full force, yet. However, the utilities are pretty much all there now. It should hopefully mean some good things for those attacks in the coming months.

There will be changes to weapon caps to allow for better reward for weapon wielding creatures and some system changes to allow for better design flexibility for said creatures.

Continued adjustments to old hunting areas. Continued profile adjustments to get the remaining creatures in-line with the current system (about 50 to go). More, nastier creatures <winks at GM Veyl>.

A couple of the above things are pretty big. That is why we haven't seen much released for a while (we have all the easy stuff done <g>). Along with more underneath system support (which won't affect anything currently), GM Veyl and I basically have about 60% of combat locked up in QC (again) <g>.

<pants> And those are just the things nearing completion (and I may have forgotten some!). There are several other things in the various design stages.

We have pulled back the Force of Impact modifications that GM Veyl mentioned a couple weeks back. We simply weren't happy with the way it tested out and have taken it back for redifinition / redesign.

GM Damissak
Damissak on reflex/agility 11/13/2001 09:20 PM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 13, 2001 at 15:52
Subject Re: 100 reflex question for u MR D (12038)

>> Let's say I decide to just have 1 agility for my entire career. Sure, I won't hit as well as someone else who trained it excessively, but would I be able to learn weapons? That is, would I be able to hit a critter with less weapon skill than that critter caps out at? Or are we going to be basically forced to have a certain amount of agility and reflex to continue training after the changes?

Thats an interesting question. I would say that it would be possible that one could get into a position of having no chance to hit a creature (at the same balance/position level) but still be above its skill cap. If the character had a way to gain position or balance or otherwise incapacitate the creature, they would still be able to learn weapons. It would, however, be a tough road.

I'm not sure that I can answer your question exactly. However, it is my feeling that you'll want to have reflex and agility within a range of 'appropriate for your level'.

Its very much like the situation my PC found himself in when Adan'f opened. Having 16 strength at 40th level, he found himself suffering through several levels just to cause enough damage to kill one.

I'm not sure I answered your question. <g>

GM Damissak

Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 13, 2001 at 19:45
Subject Re: 100 reflex question for u MR D (12042)

>> So looking at this from the defenses standpoint, it sounds like it will be necessary to have a certain amount of reflex in order to take advantage of one's defense skills (e.g. if I have a 1 reflex it won't matter if I have 100, 200, or 300 parry). Is this correct?

You will still be better with more ranks (so it will matter). However, having 1 reflex probably won't be a great idea.

GM Damissak

Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 13, 2001 at 20:18
Subject Re: 100 reflex question for u MR D (12045)

I'll rephrase my statement to 'appropriate for your skill level'.

GM Damissak
Damissak on parry vs. ranged weapons 11/14/2001 09:41 PM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 14, 2001 at 16:05
Subject Parry vs Ranged Weapon Attacks from Melee Range (12066)

<< >>

We've received approval for the implementation of the ability to attempt to parry a ranged weapon prior to its firing (if holding a proper parrying implement and at melee range with the person firing).

"Damissak attempts to fire at you, but you knock his bow aside with your longsword causing the arrow to fire harmlessly into the ground."

This check will be made prior to firing (so will come before evading or blocking with a shield). It will only occur if the defender is at melee range with the attacker.

It is going to take me a bit of time to complete the implementation (with all of the other things on the list), but I figured that I would give you a head's up on something you will likely see in the future.

GM Damissak
Damissak on upcoming projects/timing 11/19/2001 03:14 PM CST
Category Combat (26) Topic Combat General Discussions (2) By DR-DAMISSAK from PLAY.NET On Nov 18, 2001 at 01:44 Subject Re: Priorities, Damissak? (12175)

<< >>

>> I was just wondering what this entails in terms of combat related improvements.

I have four (fairly major) projects which should be resolving in the next couple weeks (sniping, agil/reflex (and associated changes), creature profiles, and a fourth i'm not mentioning :P). Those items are basically all done and are just awaiting QC.

>> How high does that stand on your list of priorities compared to other combat improvements?

Beyond those, TM is now my highest priority. I will be devoting myself to it for the short-term and just working on other small things in the interim. Combat cannot become futher balanced until magic that affects combat is balanced.

>> Specifically, I'm interested in the weapon/armor upgrades and reassessments. Well ok, truthfully, I'm only interested in the armor/weapon upgrades, especially in regards to adding in the hooks for Warrior Mage weapon enchantments.

Hmm. I feel that things are close as combat can flow the elemental damage. There are still some decisions to be made as well as some other code changes. I don't have a time-frame for when that will be completed.

>> Is looking at armor and weapons next on your plate, or does the TM rewrite take higher priority, or is there something else entirely that you're not allowed to discuss?


>> Hyram is hinting at months for the hooks for enchantment... Warrior Mages everywhere want to know: When is it coming?

I can't really answer that. I would expect it'll be months (as Hyram as said). There are pieces which need to fall in place. They are out there and / or are coming but aren't here yet.

GM Damissak
Damissak on upcoming stat suggestions for rangers 11/20/2001 10:21 PM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 20, 2001 at 16:24
Subject Re: 100 reflex question for u MR D (12250)

<< >>

>> I think that last statement is what has more and more rangers upset at our situation. As we move up the creature ladder we don't have abilities to overcome the fact that we are the second highest weapon requirement guild in the realms. We do have two spell that have potential to overcome that but, when you take into account the rate of us gaining new spells you can see that while EVERY barbarian can overcome the difference in stats compared to skill required, only a few magically inclined rangers that choose their spells carefully can do the same. I think if rangers had a reliable way to keep our stats inline with the advancement in creature you wouldn't hear as much talk about this subject...

The Rangers won't be forgotten, Kaun. I speak with GMs Jent, Tarragon, and Paklin frequently.

I do not currently think there will be an issue for them (via our testing). There will be some decision making on the part of the Ranger (and this is pretty much already followed to a large extent). The Rangers I have viewed fall into 2 primary groups. Either the Ranger already has reasonable agility / reflex numbers (and are trained fairlay balanced) for their hunting level (thus doesnt need the spell help as much) or they have gone for more mentals and magics (which will help them when they need those stats).

Obviously, those who have chosen to push hard down the magic route (with their stat selections) may find themselves somewhat more dependent upon it.

GM Damissak
Damissak 2 11/20/2001 10:43 PM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Nov 20, 2001 at 16:36
Subject Re: 100 reflex question for u MR D (12252)

<< >>

>> >> Either the Ranger already has reasonable agility / reflex numbers (and are trained fairlay balanced) for their hunting level (thus doesnt need the spell help as much)

>> So that forces the Magicless Rangers to train agi / ref hard in order to hunt succesfully as we move up the critter ladder?

Did I say hard or balanced? Coulda sworn it wa balanced.

Now, if you ignore your agility and reflex AND choose not to get those spells to aid them, you may find yourself struggling (depending on the degree to which you ignored those stats).

GM Damissak
Damissak on kneeling while usin a bow??!!! 02/20/2002 03:39 PM CST
Category Combat (26)
Topic Combat General Discussions (2)
On Feb 20, 2002 at 14:09
Subject Re: Ranged (15470)

>> 1) Fix hangback

Yeps. Plenty of things to consider there in the engagement system rewrite.

>> 2) Bracing

Try kneeling? <winks>

GM Damissak
Damissak with some pointers on aiming 02/21/2002 09:47 PM CST
Category Creatures (27)
Topic General Discussions (11)
On Feb 21, 2002 at 20:10
Subject Re: Critter Aim (2183)

The short answer is no.

The long answer is that characters don't take 10 seconds to get a good shot. You reach 100% skill usagage at 50% of the max aim time.

Yes, characters can receive a penalty for snap-shooting. They can also receive a considerable bonus for full aim. They also have the full flexibility to make that decision.

Creatures get no option at this time.

It is possible that Veyl will set them up with that decision making AI at some point (I don't know). I actually don't know that you want them taking full-aimed shots at ya (might be careful whatcha ask for <g>).

GM Damissak