Gweths and breakage. 02/17/2002 08:21 PM CST
Greetings from the bottom of the volcano...

While this might not matter to the general public, those who survive on the gweth system might like to know. I just wanted to drop a quick note that I've just made some modifications to all gweths, with some serious adjustments to J and K gweths.

And I think you'll find them good ones. <g>

The problem with gweths breaking on first use:

From a technical stand point - there actually wasn't a bug. From a player standpoint - it was a royal pain, I'm sure.

The problem was that the chance for randomly breaking the gweth wasn't considering the "newness" of the gweth, if you will, and the chance was the same all the way around. Now, unless it is some kind of special bug I wasn't able to create in testing, no gweth should break the first time you activate/wear/rub, etc it. In fact, I think you'll find for the most part, J and K gweths will seem "sturdier" and able to handle removal and wearing until the charges wear out longer than before.

One note to that last part - once a gweth has been activated the first time, any subsequent uses means there is a chance for breakage. While the chance is lessened by the amount of "charges" remaining, it can still happen from the second use on down. Just something to keep in mind if you decide to test the above changes for me. <G>

Another problem fixed recently was still being able to hear gweth chatter after the gweth shattered. This should no longer be a problem. I'm working on the issue of gweths being removed in situations like death and getting put in jail. I don't know how prevalent this problem is, but I'm definately looking into getting it fixed.

As always, I'm monitoring any changes as I do them for anything I need to adjust, but if you happen to spot something out of the ordinary, please BUG it, or drop me a line and I'll do some checking.
