Minor Gwethdesuan Change 12/13/2001 09:04 AM CST

In preparation for an upcoming Moon Mage enchantment, gwethdesuans of all kinds have changed slightly. Most of the work is invisible compatiability stuff for the enchantment, but noticeably those of you who are magically trained will now be able to FOCUS on gwethdesuans.

If you're skilled enough, you may even see the number of charges (though bear in mind that a gweth can easily break well before its charges are completely used up).

None of the fundamental gwethdesuan properties have changed -- the chance for a gweth to break is the same, the range is the same, the chance of finding in treasure is the same, etc.



PS - Sorry, I'm still not reading the boards, but since I also don't generally respond to player email, I just wanted to say that the warm fuzzies I received were appreciated nonetheless. :)