New Spell! 10/05/2001 09:39 PM CDT
Greetings one and all,

Riftal Summons and Ripple are on premium preview currently, in the Sea Caves.

I'll hold off posting particulars for now, since I think both of these are holding pretty true to what has been on the spell list for quite some time.

It should be noted - There are things in Riftal Summons for those who try to get around how the spell works <g>(hint - if something about a room kept you from casting it, the same thing effects the return trip, only with a bit more bite on caster and summoned). Also, be sure you check the status of the moons when summoning someone - if there are no moons up when it's time to return, you're stuck, and it can be a painful wait for a moon to rise again.

Abuse of this spell will carry a heavy price, going beyond warnings to having the ability to cast the spell removed from you temporarily, to permanently, with no recovery of a spell slot. This spell can be a tremendous aid for a lot of things. It can also be the opposite, so this one comes with a dose of responsible behavior.
