And to Fill the Void... 08/29/2001 07:19 PM CDT
...all you need to do is to fill out one of those handy AGM applications from the file library on the main page. :>

As you may have surmised from Rigby's above post, yes, we are looking for a new Assistant GameMaster to fill in the Moon Mage Liaison spot vacated by Tribanin, post haste. If you have already submitted an AGM application and would like to apply specifically for this position, feel free to resubmit the application with the new instructions below.

This is a Customer Experience team position. If your dream as a GameMaster is to masterfully churn out line after line of code, this will not be the position for you. What we're looking for is an individual who enjoys being with players, adores thinking and implementing innovative ways to enhance their own and others' playing experiences, and is adept at communicating their thoughts and ideas in public forums.

A few special instructions for this application, beyond the normal rules of thumb which GameMaster Riel posted in the Help Wanted -- Customer Experience Team folder in the Talk to Simutronics topic (post #82, for you curious sorts.)

1) Please enter in the subject line "Moon Mage Liaison Application." This saves the hiring team time in locating your application.

2) Also to save time, we would like to see a writing sample from you...specifically, an event oriented to the Moon Mage Guild. We would like to see you create your own characters as the main characters instead of existing ones, though you may use existing characters in supporting roles. This event should be approximately 1-2 pages in length, and must touch upon the following issues:

- What is the background/history of your primary NPC's?
- What is the purpose of the event?
- What do you plan to accomplish with the event?
- How will the event be resolved?
- How long will your event run? Is it something that can be done in two hours, or will take two months?
- How will you provide for player intervention and possible alteration of the event's conclusion?

3) Since you will be expected as an AGM to perform under pressure, we would like to have your application in by Wednesday, September 5th.

We're looking forward to receiving your applications! :>


GameMaster Nionon
CE Hiring and Training Team