Dead beard. 02/24/2005 08:08 AM CST
Why not just have an option where you can have your beard disappear when you die, that way you can turn it off if you want to keep the beard or keep it on if you just want it to leave with you when you depart.

Re: Dead beard. 02/24/2005 08:11 AM CST
I agree IC it don't make sense to keep scars and stuff from death and loose a beard. It is just stupid the way it is set up right now. No idea what they are goin to do with it but It would be nice to see it change, I hate stubble!

Just a cleric
Re: Dead beard. 03/25/2005 10:11 PM CST
Just felt the need to chime in and say I too hate how we lose beards when we die :sigh: - SIMUCON 2004 PHOTOS!!!