Beards Beards Beards 06/18/2002 02:28 AM CDT
I doubt Beards are important enough to have a Guru to them... But did the person who made the system even look here? We get no feedback and we just end up in torpor.

I'm a halfling. I've always loved beards. I hate the clean shaven and rosy cheeked stereotype. I think different races should get different characteristics of their facial hair.

only real difference is who can braid their beard/mustasche. No real different things between em. Dwarves should be able to tuck em into their belts at the longest setting.. just nice little things like that. And if all those elves keep complaining let them have an option besides gelruflara unguent. I say let them trade facial hair for Eyebrows that grow!

I dunno, I've always pictured Elves as walkin around Shard wagglin their eyebrows at everyone. Whatever I'm babbling

Prankster Khakio