Jackal 01/04/2008 11:34 PM CST
Where can I find the Jackal origami pattern? Thanks.
Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 04:32 AM CST

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 07:48 AM CST
I think it may be on M'riss too, they have pretty much every set of instructions.

Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 12:26 PM CST
Noone is ever on M'Riss as far as I can tell. Ratha and Aesry do not have Jackal. Anyone else know where Jackal is?
Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 12:34 PM CST
>Noone is ever on M'Riss as far as I can tell.

Its not as desolate as you think. I see other people out here with me all the time, especially when they steal my favorite hunting spot.

-Master Ndin
Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 12:35 PM CST
Its 1 gold lirum out here. Post your name, and Ill send you a set of jackal instructions later today if I get the chance, otherwise it'll be tomorrow morning. This is assuming we're on at the same time (Ill set a highlight for your login/logoff if your not on when I read your reply.).

-Master Ndin
Re: Jackal 01/05/2008 03:18 PM CST
>Ratha and Aesry do not have Jackal.

Got mine on Aesry.


You feel that for the moment you've learned all you can about harming shopkeepers.