Runestones and NMUs 04/08/2018 02:55 PM CDT
Any chance my thief could gain the ability to identify what spells are in a runestone?

Honestly, if you made it a contact or something, I'd be OK with it, though I'd much prefer to use my hard-won arcana ranks.

It's a small thing, and I think I remember Armifer commenting that there's no way to allow NMU types to focus and ID. But appraise maybe? Study? Something not quite magic; it's a runestone after all, we should be able to translate the engravings.

Heck, make the 'not magic' way harder for MUs (the aura of magic surrounding the stone makes it difficult for you to study the runes directly, perhaps you should FOCUS on this instead) just because.
Re: Runestones and NMUs 04/08/2018 04:56 PM CDT
Even maybe having a local magic shop, for a fee, tell you what the runestone is for would be nice.

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Re: Runestones and NMUs 04/08/2018 05:43 PM CDT
My thief has been wishing for a khri that unlocks the FOCUS verb magic users get for years
Re: Runestones and NMUs 04/08/2018 11:54 PM CDT
I like the idea of a new NPC in the magic shop who would tell you the spell for a silver or so. While we're at it, expand that to scrolls too, please.