Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 04:04 PM CST
You have the following choices in prepare messaging:
Default spell prepare is OFF.
Your current choice is: "Tiny tendrils of lightning jolt between your hands as you prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell."
You can also use: "You briskly utter a few sharp words in an arcane tongue, your mind bent to the task of preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell."
You can also use: "As you begin to focus on preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell your vision clouds as waves of heat emanate from all around you. Suddenly a large column of flames engulfs you completely!"
You are currently attempting to hide your spell preparing.

> prep /shift
You have shifted your special prepare messaging:
Current Selection is now: * "As you begin to focus on preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell your vision clouds as waves of heat emanate from all around you. Suddenly a large column of flames engulfs you completely!" *

Other choices:
"Tiny tendrils of lightning jolt between your hands as you prepare the Summon Death Monkey spell."
"You briskly utter a few sharp words in an arcane tongue, your mind bent to the task of preparing the Summon Death Monkey spell."

> prep es 5
With the changed nature of the mana streams, you find it simply impossible to invoke that kind of dramatic mnemonic.
[Type PREPARE /DEFAULT to switch back to your default preparation, or PREPARE /HELP for more options.]

Not sure why this one prep is having issues, I think its from TC?? But I dont remember for sure. If I put default back on then it goes back to a default WM prep. And I have the "You recall proficiency with the magic feats of Faster Targeting, Alternate Preparation, Focused Preparation, Targeted Mastery and Injured Casting." Alt prep feat needed as I can do the lightning prep with no issue.

It was working, but all of all sudden it went kaput. :( Please let my fire mage have her fire back :(
Re: Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 04:17 PM CST
I think some kinds of spell preps were sunset as being a bit too jarring from what magic preps were meant to do.,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/General%20Magic%20Feedback%20%20-%20CORE%20ISSUES%20-(CAST,%20PREPARE,%20HARNESS,%20PERCEIVE)/view

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 04:22 PM CST
>>Not sure why this one prep is having issues, I think its from TC?

That particular prep is not from TC. You are probably not going to like the answer, but the answer is that was one of a number of preps cut from the system in Magic 3 due to being inappropriate for the setting.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 05:00 PM CST
Phii always put it so well:
Re: Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 05:54 PM CST
Yeah Armifer, I'm not real happy with that answer. :(

As I said I couldnt remember where it was from, maybe a fest long ago then? When they were first rolled out?

So.. since they were removed for not being appropriate to the setting of DR, what recourse do I have? I'm loathe to do a prep /clear as I dont want to wipe out my lightning prep, which I'm not sure can be replaced. I know recompense is out of the question so thats out of the question. :/

Suffice to say Eliz is very unhappy with this, very unhappy. You want a very unhappy old s'kra'ur warmie around? She hates to pout but she will, its really ugly though ;)
Re: Issue with old spell prep 12/27/2017 08:37 PM CST
I think that one was from the Merelew Festival ~2005? I can't find the old webpage that had it logged, and unfortunately it's was pre-Elanthipedia.
