Spells that work on Necromancers (but probably shouldn't) 11/19/2015 04:40 PM CST
So bit by bit I've been piecing together a list of beneficial Holy spells that work on Necromancers but probably shouldn't, likely due to various Magic 3.0 conversions not properly checking the state of the Necromancer. Paladin spells are by far the worst offenders, but a number of Cleric spells also made the list. Note I haven't checked everything just the stuff I've had access to.

Major Physical Protection
Minor Physical Protection
Divine Guidance
Heroic Strength
Righteous Wrath

(Yeah, a number of these are self-cast only, but they probably still shouldn't work even if you get your hands on scrolls.)

I imagine fixing them all would be a pain but I wanted to bring it to someone's attention. vOv

Twitter: @thayelf
Tumblr: thayette.tumblr.com
Re: Spells that work on Necromancers (but probably shouldn't) 11/19/2015 09:35 PM CST

I thought Necromancers casting Holy spells went 'very poorly' for the Necromancer? Is that not true?
Re: Spells that work on Necromancers (but probably shouldn't) 11/19/2015 09:39 PM CST
It's supposed to go "very poorly" for Forsaken-or-worse Necromancers. It seems the 3.0 move might have unwittingly broke the antiNecro mechs.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Spells that work on Necromancers (but probably shouldn't) 11/19/2015 09:41 PM CST
Pre-Forsaken, Necromancers are entirely capable of using all manner of Holy spells just like any other caster. It is considered a "worst" pairing for us, but that still leaves the backlash chances quite negligible. As a result I was able to use spells like Divine Guidance semi-frequently, past the point where beneficial spells should have been working on me at all. I could also, as a point of funny trivia, use spells like Harm Evil. There are ways for non-Necromancers (Clerics, specifically) to reach that level of "artificial" DO as well, and many Holy buffs such as Benediction also continue to work on them while others do not, when really they should probably all be failing.

Post-Forsaken, any attempts to use Holy magic automagically trigger a sorcerous backlash of seemingly random severity regardless of the difficulty level of the spell.

Twitter: @thayelf
Tumblr: thayette.tumblr.com