Dirt Throwing Bugs 12/12/2018 10:53 PM CST
Bug the first:

Throwing dirt at someone who is hiding brings them out of hiding even if for some reason you can't throw the dirt. For example, you're too far away, the person is already dirt-ed. This does seem to respect the spot effect so it only happens if you already have spot and can point, but it's still a RT-free point on someone.

Bug the second:

Successfully hitting someone with dirt is supposed to cause a perc debuff and this does not seem to be happening anymore.

Sweeping her hand in a wide arc, Person throws a cloud of dirt at your face!
The cloud of dirt sailing towards your face takes you completely by surprise.
Dust flies into your eyes and clumps up, seriously hindering your vision!
Dirt clouds your vision, stinging constantly at your eyes!
> exp mods
The following skills are currently under the influence of a modifier:

Not sure but if thief dirt-related ambushes are using the same underlying mechs they may have the same bug, at least as far as the perc debuff goes.

<This Bug Post Brought to you By an Empath longing for a stealth buff and trying out random things. No survival-primes were harmed in the creation of this bug report.>
Re: Dirt Throwing Bugs 12/13/2018 02:11 PM CST
Dumb question but did throwing dirt successfully work as a perc debuff or a debuff to spotting someone in hiding? It's possible that dirt, being a rather old system, is tweaking formula scores instead of the more modernized thing where everything feeds directly into a skill adjustment.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Dirt Throwing Bugs 12/14/2018 11:44 AM CST
I tried to test to see if the other dirt moves do the -perc thing or not but alas, my Thief is old and has no abilities in the test instance.

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a perc debuff, but my prior experience with it was before EXP MODS became a thing.
